Friday, August 13, 2010

Not last night but the night before . . .

My husband (breaking in after several minutes): I'm sorry, we don't give to charities that solicit over the phone.
Fundraising Guy: Then how are we supposed to do it?
My husband: It's called the mail. (Hangs up.)

Last night, Fundraising Guy or possibly his brother called back, just at six PM, as the chicken began to burn and the rice boiled over, and I answered anyway, thinking it was one of the family calling in to say someone else wasn't there to meet him.

After I figured out Fundraising Guy was not, in fact, anyone I knew, I told him I couldn't talk, it was too crazy.

Fundraising Guy: Listen, I just want to get the call over with. I don't care how you do it --
Me: LATER! (Hanging up.)

Where do charities get these people, and why don't they send them back there? Do they know what they're doing to their reputations?

Non-donor A: The worst is Sunshine and Santa Claus. Their guy screamed at me, "I'm not doing this for my health, ya know!"
Non-donor B: Think that's bad? The Ittle Lambs Foundation guy told me he was my nephew and he was stranded in Ulan Bator without any money. Then he said, "April fool! How many dozen units do you want to donate?" And it was October.

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