Barack Obama -- anymore -- and it may well have him back in another three years.
as though on our Canadian border there were terrorists who were coming across the border and we let them have Washington and then we let them have Montana and then we said, well, you know, not very many people live in the Dakotas, they’re not near Chicago or New York . . .
He also managed to embarrass us internationally by plotting a military coup in Sierra Leone while in custody at the police lock-up at 222 Main Street. After news of the planned coup leaked to the media, which forced him to cancel his plan, he cheekily told reporters there was nothing in the terms of his detention preventing him from plotting coups in foreign countries. The embarrassing part was that he was right.
by the time they're 10 years old, girls are doing more chores around the house than boys . . . girls in this latest study spent an average of 50 minutes more on chores each week than boys.
"We expected that as a generation or two of women have gone out into the labour force, the gender differences would have faded in their children, but that's not happening."
So far, Bhutan is the only country to put happiness at the heart of policy. The government of the remote Himalayan kingdom must consider every policy for its impact on “Gross National Happiness.” This has led to a ban on ads, wrestling channels, plastic bags and traffic lights.
On Fido's behalf, thanks, Moms, for making such great food.
This defendant obtained approval from the Department of Homeland Security to operate an English language school by submitting a fraudulent application. He then used the school as a front for manufacturing and selling fraudulent immigration documents to hundreds of unlawful aliens who were not entitled to remain in the United States.
. . .
SHIM [the defendant] maintained document labs with computer equipment and files, first in an apartment in Alpharetta and then at an apartment in Duluth, where the fraudulent documents were manufactured. Although Humana Language Learning Center reported to DHS that it had enrolled hundreds of students, the vast majority of the aliens who obtained F-1 status never attended Humana Language Learning Center. SHIM charged the aliens thousands of dollars, purportedly as “tuition,” but actually for the fraudulent documents he provided them for the purpose of obtaining F-1 status.
Ms. Gopnik argues in the book [The Philosophical Baby]that babies' brains are far from a blank slate, and are instead more highly connected than adult brains -- more neural pathways are available to babies than to adults.
"this long period of immaturity, much longer than any other creature . . . It seems babies are meant to spend that time learning. They're like the R&D department and then we, as adults, put that knowledge to use."
While his body and head were successfully removed, the photo editors forgot to erase one of his legs, which was left dangling at the back of the boat.
. . . three black fingers resting on the shoulder of swimmer Maritza Correia. The identity of their owner, who had been erased from the picture, was never made clear.
The psychologists gathered volunteers to perform cognitive tests (rearranging scrambled letters to form words) and a creative test (thinking of unusual uses for a brick).
The person supervising the test was rude to one volunteer who was secretly part of the plan.
"What are you, stupid? Get on with it!" he snapped, and called the volunteer unfit to hold a job in the "real world."
After this, the rest of the volunteers had trouble unscrambling words and thinking of creative uses for a brick.
Worse, their dark sides took over.
One of the scrambled words was "demure," but several volunteers rearranged the letters to spell "murder" -- even though the letters weren't quite right.
And the new ways to use brick? "Kill people," one suggested. Trip someone, said another. Throw it through a window, or beat people up, said others.
There's a message here for parents who berate their kids over schoolwork: You're actually lowering all your kids' marks. (And maybe, if you're loud enough, the neighbours' kids' marks.)
I have my own idea where the epidemic of incivility started -- 70s commercials. But that's another post.
... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.
Automated queries? I didn't think I could type fast enough to be mistaken for those.
Google Help says, further, that the Sorry page "likely" has a captcha so I can prove I'm a human. Well, it doesn't.
It mentions the possibility of malware. Grr.
We'll just have to see if there's more trouble down the road.
Hovering over parents is what many believe the law says about leaving any child under 10 home -- or anywhere else -- alone. The Canadian Criminal Code (section 218) refers to those situations where the child under 10 is in danger or the likelihood of danger, police sources say.Whether there's a "likelihood of danger" is left to the parent's judgment, based on their knowledge of the child. Judge badly, and you're in trouble. If anyone ever finds out.
Ghosting points us toward a world of counterfeit personality where all prose will be written in the same down-trodden, down-market language, public utterances will be uniformly colourless and individual voices will be deadened or eliminated.
A bad movie experience is such a wonderful opportunity to showcase your caustic wit and bond over how much better the both of you are than the jerks that put that trash on the screen.
The robber was wearing a tan canvas hat which resembled a women’s straw beach hat.
This individual is also believed to have robbed the same bank on May 7, 2009.
And never got caught? No wonder he came back for more.
a written judgment that flits from disgust to mockery, exasperation to sarcasm, and occasionally rises to glee at the pathetic human foibles on judicial display . . .
"During this trial, truth was only an occasional visitor," Mr. Justice Joseph W. Quinn wrote. "If the [lottery] ticket were a child and the parties vying for custody, I would find them both unfit and bring in Family and Children's Services."
. . . Mr. Miller did not work, having left or lost a number of general labour jobs because he "did not like them," found them "way too physical," could not get a ride, or because "it was winter."
. . .They also met a woman at Wendy's whom Mr. Carley called his "girlfriend," but whose name he could not spell, and who was forced to wait outside in the parking lot as Mr. Carley ate a hamburger in the car.
"Did I mention it was February?" the judge quipped . . .
Former High School Star Athlete Sentenced to Prison for Armored Car Robbery
Defendant Used Ad on Craigslist and Flotation Device to Make Escape
This isn't quite what it sounds like. He didn't post an ad saying GETAWAY DRIVER NEEDED @ BANK OF AMERICA and give the time and date.
He posted an ad for landscapers, telling them to show up in their work clothes. Being a landscaper himself, he put on a similar outfit and pretended to be spraying weeds around the bank grounds. He went on to spray an armored car driver with mace, grab some money, and disappear in the crowd of landscapers. (It seems he got the idea from a movie.)
And yes, he tubed away.
The rest of the story is sadly predictable. Alcoholism, spending, cheating on his pregnant wife with a teenager. Vegas with "friends".
Six years.
a man dressed in a shirt, tie and dress pants walked by in his bare feet, talking on a cellphone.He hardly looked out of place.
That guy probably doesn't realize he's a Discalced Carmelite . . .
Cult-like drug cartel gives to the poor, slaughters rivals. . . and it's run by a "purported Evangelical Christian" who doesn't let his drug runners drink or, well, do drugs. Plus:
La Familia uses Bible scriptures and self-help slogans to inspire its traffickersFrom self-help slogans, deliver us, O Lord!
Not the real kind, of course. You know better than to lie out in the sun, exposing your body to hazardous (and worse, wrinkle-causing) UV rays. But you want to look as if you had done it. So you reach for the self-tanner.
No matter what kind of self-tanning product you use – cheap or expensive, lotion, spray, towelettes, dollar store makeup in a dark shade, or leftover coffee – if you don’t apply it correctly, you may as well stay inside all summer.
Getting the perfect self-tan means:
Take the time to self-tan the right way, and I promise you your summers (and winters) will never be quite the same again!