I never found it, but I found plenty of similar stories. It usually is an old lady who's had up for these offenses.
In Florida, this is a hot-button issue, and having seen how the Muscovy ducks there follow people around in search of a handout, I almost understand why. But just almost. I mean, arresting a woman for "harbouring ducks" because she left her garage door open? She was accused of leaving food for them in there, but said the door was open simply so her cats could get in and out.
The other side can be ruthless too. I also read about a couple who were pretty tired of ducks hanging around their condo complex, so when they saw a stranger feeding them, they asked her to stop. She said, "I'm a police officer, I can do what I want." It was true. She had the man arrested.
Feeding waterfowl is serious stuff in Florida.
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